#24 License Partner

The most relevant
Real Estate Competence Center
for your customers

With the Owner Alliance, you can offer a wide range of services relating to real estate issues, but also a priority line to supra-regional real estate markets and specialists from the industry.


The license for new customers - BVFI24 throughout Germany

With a license from the BVFI24 Owner Alliance, you can create your own networks with owners, entrepreneurs, industry networks and municipalities. BVFI24 is the most exclusive competence center for anyone interested in real estate, with incomparable services.

New customers

Company contacts

Industry network

Premium Partner

Your Board -

form your own regional board

with expertise from as many complementary industries as possible:

  • Junior Business Association BVFI
  • Property management
  • Construction financing specialists
  • Lawyers for real estate law
  • Tax advisor for real estate matters
  • Architects / Interior Designers
  • Real estate appraiser
  • Energy consultant
  • Insurance specialists
  • Investment specialists
  • Building and energy renovators
  • Construction and craft service providers

Each regional board member is a real estate entrepreneur, a specialist in their field and has a large number of customers, clients and clients, all of whom can be invited to BVFI24 free of charge. Pool your customer contacts and multiply them easily through networks, events and our underlying databases. More contacts, more business for everyone.

Active member and customer acquisition

Included in #24 Networks

BVFI Premium Membership and:

Sample invitation letter

Requirements for a

BVFI24 License Partnership

  • representative business premises
  • representative and functional online presence
  • positive reviews / reputation
  • at least 3 years of professional experience

Opening a licensing office

1. BVFI will examine the application to open an office and give the applicant a response within a reasonable time. In the event of a negative response, the contract will not be concluded.

2. If the application is approved, the office will be reserved for the applicant.The applicant is given a period of 3 months from the date of application to appoint and constitute the board (at least 3 members) for his office.If the applicant does not appoint a board for the office within the specified period, the BVFI reserves the right not to open the office and to terminate the agreement.


1. The license partner receives a commission for each successfully recruited end customer. The commission is paid as long as the membership is active and paid. The commission corresponds to 50% of the paid contributions.

2. Payments are made quarterly and are paid three months after the end of the quarter.

Commission examples

1,000 members BVFI24 at €79 gross per year = commission €33,190

100 Business Club members at €200 per year = commission €10,000

10 board members at 79 p,m, = commission 4,740 €

Cumulative = €47,930

License costs pa 5,988 €

Breakeven already reached with 150 BVFI24 members

However, the business case is primarily aimed at additional real estate revenues.

License term

24 Months

12 months free membership for "consumers"

All members of a regional board are encouraged to invite their customers, clients and members to a 12-month free membership. This ensures very rapid growth of the respective regional owner alliances. In addition, press reports are made available and public relations work is carried out via the BVFI, the IMAG, the German Real Estate Fair and Immoexpansion.

Network building cumulative new customers

A regional board usually consists of at least 10 entrepreneurs from the real estate industry. Each of these entrepreneurs has customers, clients or clients that the respective board can invite to a free membership in BVFI24 for at least 12 months. This ensures that a large membership base is created right from the start, which all boards can access, advise and provide services to. All board members must have a BVFI business membership.

Business model

Excellent returns can be achieved through the commissions from membership fees alone. However, the business model is not aimed at this, but rather at building up a customer club for the license partner, with which real estate sales can be generated in the long term, permanently and repeatedly.

In addition to the revenue generated, the

BVFI Premium Membership

for 1,058 €, the Immoshop system from

Real estate expansion

for 828 € and a separate landing page for the license partner is included.

Who is behind the BVFI24 Owners Alliance:

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